Here are eight DA Windows desktop icons. Altogether thay look like this on a typical desktop image background in the "Medium" icon view setting (48 pixels)...
...and in a folder in the 'Large Icon' folder view option (at 96 pixels). Three of these icons are various forms of the current, standard logo. The others are logo concepts I liked by some DA members. Those files are identified by their author's DA handles (aNIGHTLYpony, KabukusakiSan and Comeha).
Each icon is formatted to eight sizes -- 256, 128, 96, 64, 48, 32, 24, and 16 pixels, which means that each icon actually contains eight images. The one which is displayed at any given time depends on the 'Icon Size' setting you may have set in your 'Appearance' menu or the 'View' menu mode you have chosen for a particular folder window, e.g., List, Detail, Small Icons, Large Icons, etc.
For comparison, these icons can change their apparent sizes like this:
Whether you right-click or left-click to download one of these icons, make sure that you are downloading "the target" of the link, not the link image -- the file you want to download has the file extension ".ico." Save it to wherever you keep custom icons. Then go to the Properties for your DA folder and 'Customize' it -- navigate to where you saved the icon and select it as the new icon for your DA folder.
Here are the download links.
Have fun and I'll see you around the hospital grounds, ha,ha.